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Some People Don’t Understand How Basket Holders Work

Joanna Wu

In Europe and Canada, draggable baskets are a thing. At Target, not so much. But that doesn’t stop some people from getting “creative”. They just use the basket holders and drag them through the store. What? Exactly.

1. “You can also lean against it. Nice!”

Using Basket A Holder As Draggable Basket - part 1

Source reddit.com

2. “How handy! My umbrella fits”

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 2

Source reddit.com

3. Even that kid knows you don’t do this

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 3

Source reddit.com

4. “Which sauce should I get?”

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 4

Source reddit.com

5. These baskets holders also come in green

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 5

Source reddit.com

6. At least this basket holder has wheels. Still…

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 6

Source reddit.com

7. We found the queen!

Using A Basket Holder As Draggable Basket - part 7

Source imgur.com

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